Thursday, April 28, 2011

Before and After, Color Negative restoration



I was asked to do this by a friend. It's a photo of his Father's graduation. He plans on giving it to his Grandmother for Mother's Day. The negative was a disaster but I am glad I was able to help. What a thoughtful gift! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Funeral Home Final: Beyond the Single Image

If you asked me a year ago if I wanted to photograph a funeral home I would have looked at you as if you had six heads. Even when I started this project, the facility was not something I was necessarily interested in. I originally wanted to do portraits of the 'clients' and the funeral directors at work. I was quickly told I would not be able to do this because of legal purposes, this resulted in the transformation of my project. At first I was completely bored with the idea of photographing the funeral homes. They looked just like the home I have grown up in, but with more tissues and candy, not to mention the insane amount of chairs. 
The project soon became a favorite of mine. Talking with the Funeral Directors I learned things that would never occur to me when it came to organizing a funeral. The Directors were some of the most interesting people I have ever met, and their stories amazed me. 
The photos have been edited to with an antiqued look to match the classic victorian style home, the look of most of the funeral homes I visited. This also made them look a little creepier then they really are inside. 