Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Smoke Show: Final Project

My final project was a bit of the challenge. It took me weeks to come up with a project that I had never done, was inexpensive and I didn’t need a model for (the end of the semester is a difficult time to find people who have time to help). I finally decided to look at doing a still life. This quickly proved to be boring, that’s when I came upon Smoke photography.
            With the help of the Internet and trial and error I was able to effectively capture smoke and the shapes and figures it creates. I loved and hated how quickly shapes were created and disappeared. It was quite the challenge capturing images that I liked. Lighting was the other challenge I faced. At first I side lighted the smoke, and as you can see in my contact sheets it was pretty unsuccessful. I panicked for about ten minutes before realizing that moving the light to be on a 45-degree angle and backlighting the smoke you were able to see it clearly. This was the must successful way I found to create the effect I wanted.
            I’d like to thank my friend Garrett for being an awesome photo assistant, and Serena for letting me smoke up her house at random hours of the night.